Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'm coming for you, WHAT?

Random thoughtS of the day:
  • I am currently having one f those days where I just don't care how I look like. I am going to wear whatever shizz I find most comfortable so BOOYA.
  • Aren't you always so excited when you find clothes that you forgot you had? Especially some of the pieces that you love!
  • My cellphone case broke again and by again I mean the 7th time. I've bought 7 cases already.
  • Justin Bieber can go suck it. How is it that you're 16 and still manage to get me hooked on not one, but TWO of your singles? *there's gonna be one less lonely girl, i'm coming for you*
  • What the heck is up with all these lady bugs on our campus? I've seen at least 6 crawling on the same window panel.
  • Also, have you ever purposely look away when you see someone you know because you just want to avoid the awkward "hello" and "small talks" or possibly the embarassment of the person not remembering you if you would've said "hi"? I just experienced it, TWICE.
  • Waiting for class sucks. I don't understand how I'm already done 5 weeks of my fall semester. Did I miss something?! Luckily, I'm not drowing in midterms...just assignments.

1 comment:

monica said...

i love finidng clothes that u ignored for 2yrs are suddenly very werable again!

my shoes are roberto vianni, i bought them a few years ago at sterling